Friday, March 28, 2014

Ponderings of Grace - The Feast of St. Joseph

Below is a reflection that the SSJ Mission Corps director, Becca Little, wrote for the St. Mary-by-the-Sea Retreat House's Ponderings of Grace. We are delighted to share it here with you as well!

Openness. Love without hesitation or question. Humble loyalty. Each of these things could be used to describe Saint Joseph. As we celebrate him and I begin to reflect on these characteristics, it is not lost on me the similarity between the qualities of Saint Joseph and the qualities of the Sisters of Saint Joseph and SSJ Mission Corps communities.

Devoted service without second thought is the path that Saint Joseph modeled for us in his devotion to Mary and to the will of God. Daily I see this humility and loyalty in the faces and lives of the Sisters of Saint Joseph and the SSJ Mission Corps volunteers. Last year, during his Papal Inauguration, which fell on Saint Joseph's Day, Pope Francis describes Saint Joseph as a protector with a heart full of tenderness and compassion:

"In the Gospels, Saint Joseph appears as a strong and courageous man, a working man, yet in his heart we see great tenderness, which is not the virtue of the weak but rather a sign of strength of spirit and a capacity for concern, for compassion, for genuine openness to others, for love. We must not be afraid of goodness, of tenderness!"

  It is a privilege and honor to be a witness to this tenderness within the hearts and lives of the SSJ community. Daily I walk with the SSJ Mission Corps members, two young women who live lives full of this compassion, teaching me how to live out this call. As we celebrate the feast of Saint Joseph and continue to move together through Lent, I encourage you to look for the places in your own life where others are teaching you the humble, unfailing loyalty and compassion of Saint Joseph. These living examples are the key to finding these traits within our own hearts.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

When words just don't cut it...

We are practicing writing down our “gratitudes” for Lent… 5 things we are grateful for every day x 40 days x 3 people (it’s beginning to sound like one of my student’s math problems…).

With so many amazing people in our lives, our wall is filling up effortlessly.
We sit here, surrounded by love: gorgeous letters from our retreat hung on our walls, maxims decorating our doors, dinners filling our bellies, and spirit moving among us.

As spring begins to bloom and we feel reenergized for the next three months, as St. Joseph’s Day approaches, we want to say thank you.
We have had some difficult and trying experiences in our time so far, and moments of joy and awe. Through it all we have been acutely aware of Your presence in our lives.

We have compiled a list of moments/experiences/people/things that have directly influenced our Mission Corps experience thus far, that have made our lives exponentially better, and that we can’t imagine living without. Know that each and every one of You have helped us make it through this year and stay (somewhat) sane. Over and over again we had the privilege to answer the question, “What is the SSJ Mission Corps?” We’ve found the answer to be long, but simple. Here are just a few examples that popped into our heads after a long day and even longer week:
·     Becca Little-Bex-the Bexster
·     Unforgettable retreat experiences with unforgettable women
·     The 11 convents and counting that have welcomed us (multiple times!)
·     Meeting the associates at Our Lady of Hope
·     The Welcome Center Trivia night
·     Having a “usual” at the Kensington Mini Mart
·     Our Students…even that one
·     Our incredible co-workers who inspire, encourage, assist, and put up with us
·     Sharing the state of the heart
·     Receiving three containers of Christmas decorations
·     Receiving donations for classrooms and classroom prizes
·     Re-discovering our home city, and exploring the gems that Kensington has to offer
·     The immigration reform rally
·     Visits from UNC
·     Going back to our Mother Ship at Chestnut Hill for multiple events: Commissioning Mass (and dinner!) Founder’s Day, Peace Vigil for Syria, Greg Boyle’s talk, Band of Sisters film, Visitation BVM fundraising auction…
·     Spirituality and Community nights

These events and people have become an integral part of our Mission Corps program, and our lives—not just a year, but a lifetime.